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Springfield Academy

A place to grow...your time to shine!

Parents' Evening 8th and 9th November

Parents' Evening

In the run up to the halfway point of the term, we will be inviting you to our Parents' Evening, scheduled for November 8th and 9th  November; the week we return after the half-term break.


Parents' Evening is an invaluable opportunity for you to connect with your child's class teachers, gain insights into your child's progress, and discuss their adjustment to the new school year. It's a chance for open dialogue, allowing you to better understand your child's abilities, goals, and the support that has been put in place to help them thrive academically and personally.


More details, including appointment time slots, will be shared with you in the weeks leading up to the half-term break. Please mark your calendars for November 8th and 9th, and be on the lookout for further communication from the school.


Your active participation in your child's education is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to welcoming you to Parents' Evening to strengthen the partnership between home and school.


Thank you for your continued support.
