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Springfield Academy

A place to grow...your time to shine!

Mental Health and Well-being

Mental Health and Well-Being


At Springfield, we are committed to supporting the mental health of our children, staff and families.  You can speak to any member of staff if you have questions or concerns about mental health.  They will then speak to appropriate colleagues in school to enable us to support you in the best way.


The key members of staff in school with responsibility for Mental Health and Well-Being are;

  • Mrs H Bonser - Deputy Head Teacher - Mental Health & Wellbeing for adults & children
  • Miss A Drain - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) - Pastoral Learning Mentor and ELSA for children
  • Miss K Brown - Well-being lead for staff - Mental Health & Wellbeing for adults & children


As well as providing support within school, we work closely with Nottingham City's Mental Health Support Team (MHST).


Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

Here are some links to advice online to support you and family with mental health and well-being.
