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Springfield Academy

A place to grow...your time to shine!


Welcome to our Governance section. 

At Springfield Academy we have an active Governing Body who support the senior leadership team in the strategic leadership of the academy.


The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:


•  set the aims and objectives for the Academy

•  set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

•  set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

•  monitor and evaluate the progress the Academy is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

•  be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher and Executive Headteacher (a critical friend)


Who are Springfield's Governors


Mrs V Shelley - Head

Ms L May - Chair

Mrs K Brown - Staff Governor

Mrs C Al-Hussaini - Co-opted Governor

Ms K Dennis - Parent Governor

Vacancy - Parent Governor


Mrs M Billington (Clerk to the Governance)

Details of the following can be found on the Djanogly Learning Trust website:


Register of Governor interests

Governor meeting attendance register

Djanogly Learning Trust governance structure

Djanogly Learning Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements

Djanogly Learning Trust Master Funding Agreement

Djanogly Learning Trust Scheme of Delegation.




To contact the Chair of Governors,  please call Belinda Clark at the School Office on 0115 915 5769. Alternatively you can write for the attention of the Chair of Governors addressed to: Springfield Academy, Lawton Drive, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8BL. 
