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Springfield Academy

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Design and Technology

Design Technology

at Springfield

The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our


Our Approach (Intent)


At Springfield, we believe that DT lessons prepare the children for adult life in the modern world. DT allows children to be independent thinkers and problem solvers. It also gives them opportunities to work well in a team and develop their cooperation skills. Our intent is that DT encourages children to be potential inventors and innovators.


In DT we follow a ‘design it, make it, evaluate it’ approach. We believe that it is important for the children to understand the purpose of the products they are making and that they think carefully about their intended consumer. During DT sessions, children are encouraged to be inquisitive about the way products work. We encourage the children to ask and answer questions. They gain inspiration from researching current products, whilst learning how current products are designed and made. Also, the children are encouraged to make on-going changes and improvements during making stages As they progress through school, the children will draw detailed designs and critically evaluate their final product. Teachers at Springfield will model technical skills that the children may need and the children will be encouraged to select appropriate tools and techniques for making a product. We also feel it is vital that teachers highlight any important healthy and safety considerations the children may need to be aware of.

Aims and Objectives


For Staff:

  • To promote a confident, positive attitude towards the learning of DT, making it engaging for the children
  • To promote confidence and capability in the skills of designing a product, using mechanisms, cooking basic dishes and evaluating their work
  • To provide various opportunities for the progression of DT skills where relevant across the curriculum 


For Children:   

  • To develop an enjoyment of learning through practical activity and exploration of their own imaginative ideas
  • To develop confidence and capability in the skills of designing a product, using mechanisms, cooking basic dishes and evaluating their work
  • To develop understanding of the ‘design it, make it, evaluate it’ approach 
  • To use their prior knowledge to solve problems 
  • To produce meaningful and quality products and be reflective of their processes and outcomes

How DT is implemented:

Currently we: 

  • Teach DT through our carefully designed termly topics which follow a 2 year cycle.
  • Monitor DT through book and planning scrutinies by staff, subject leaders and the Senior Leadership team to ensure coverage.
  • Design, make and evaluate products during DT lessons
  • use a new resource bank and planning tool for teachers, which has refreshed our current topics and brought in new Design and Technology ideas.
    • Hope to increase opportunities for the children to incorporate Design and Technology into school enterprise events.

Where can you see the impact of our DT curriculum?

  • Evidence of DT lessons in our Learning Journeys.
  • Photographs/videos of projects and class work on school website and class pages.
  • The range and progression of DT activities now featured in our Topic planning.