Halloween Dress-Up Day
Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
In the spirit of Halloween, we are inviting all children to participate by wearing Halloween-themed costumes to school on Friday. The goal is to create an enjoyable atmosphere for all, so please ensure that costumes are age-appropriate and do not include any weapons or excessively gory elements; these will be removed if this is the case.
We want to emphasise that there is absolutely no need to spend money on elaborate costumes. We have attached a list of simple and creative home-made costume ideas that can be put together with items you likely already have at home. The focus is on imagination and fun rather than extravagance!
School will provide Halloween Hats for children who may not have costumes from home, ensuring that every child can participate and enjoy the day without worry.
A small voluntary donation is encouraged to help support our Christmas activities.
Thank you for your continued support in making our school community thrive.