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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure


Springfield Academy wants pupils to be healthy, happy, safe and to do well. Co-operation between parents, staff and governors lead to a shared sense of purpose and a positive atmosphere in the school.


First …


If you or your child have a problem with school, first talk to your child’s teacher. Think about what you hope will happen as a result of your discussion and let the teacher know this. If the issue seems to continue it is important that you meet again with your child’s class teacher to highlight that the issue has continued.


If you haven't been able to resolve your concern with the class teacher at this point, then please make your next appointment with the senior teacher in the year group team. This should help to resolve the situation for you and your child.


If you are still unhappy about the situation …


Ask for an appointment to see the Deputy Head. If you still feel the matter remains unresolved then please make an appointment to see our Head Teacher, Mrs Shelley. It is in everyone’s interest for things to be sorted out smoothly. We all have a shared interest to ensure that all our pupils are safe, happy and learning and will always endeavour to make sure this is the case for all children.


If the problem has still not been sorted out …


You can make a formal complaint (please see our Trust Complaints Procedure below.) This is a serious step to take and it is important that you have thought things through carefully. You must write a formal letter of complaint to Mrs Shelley or addressed to the Chair of Governors via the academy office.
