Who's Who
Come and meet the staff at our school.
Headteacher Mrs V Shelley (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Deputy Headteachers Mrs H Bonser (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) and
Miss L Ogle (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
These are the new classes for September 2024-2025.
Nursery - Team Rainbows Miss K Cook and Mrs H Straw
Reception - Team Rainbows Mrs K McConnell and Mrs S Doyle
Year 1 - Team Sunflower Miss S Drew and Miss K Brown (Senior Teaching Assistant)
Year 2 - Team Moonflower Mrs T Page and Miss S Kimbley
Year 3 - Team Jellyfish Mrs A Calladine and Ms H Pembleton
Year 4 - Team Firefly Miss I Holloway-Vine and Mrs E Bailey
Year 5 - Team Helios Miss L Ogle, Mrs H Newton and Miss C Don
Year 6 - Team Supernova Mr J Straw and Mrs A Woolley
SEN support EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Miss Z Boyle, Mrs A Hopkinson, Miss J Kelly and Miss S Street
ELSA Miss A Drain
PPA/AfL and cover staff Miss K Cook, Mrs H Newton, Mrs L Oliver, Miss A Kimbley and Miss Warrington
SENDCo Mrs L Oliver (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Pastoral Lead Mrs H Bonser (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Youth Mental Health First Aiders Mrs H Bonser and Miss K Brown
Attendance/Safeguarding Officer Mrs H Bodenham (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Breakfast Club - Mrs A Hopkinson, supported by Miss J Dobbinson , Miss K Dooley, Miss D Hall-Cain, Miss K Hobbs, Miss D Laing and Miss R Powell
Lunch Leaders - Miss Brown, supported by Miss J Dobbinson , Miss K Dooley, Miss D Hall-Cain, Miss K Hobbs, Miss D Laing, Miss R Powell, Miss S Seaford and Mrs J Seaford-Ellis
Office Manager Mrs B Clark - contact details - telephone 0115 9155769 and at the main school office
Office Assistant Ms J Newton - contact details - telephone 0115 9155769 and at the main school office
Site Manager Mr P Wright