28th June 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a challenging, eventful, but hugely successful year Springfield has had! We would like to thank you and your children for supporting us and we look forward to continuing our journey with you next year.
We are very sad to announce that Mrs K, Miss Connolly and Mrs Acheampong will be leaving Springfield in the Summer. They have been such valuable members of the team and will be missed terribly. We want to thank them for all their hard work and dedication to Springfield and the children and wish them luck in their next ventures.
We are thrilled to be welcoming a new staff member to join the Springfield team; Miss Drew will be our new Year 1 teacher. I am sure you will all make her feel very welcome.
Our class names will continue to be based on our vision for Springfield – Discover. Grow. Shine. We have given a great amount of consideration to the classes next year and have listened to the feedback that has been given. Please note we will be returning to SINGLE YEAR GROUP classes from September. The classes and staff will be as follows:
Nursery – Team Rainbows Mrs Cook and Mrs Stra
Reception – Team Rainbows Mrs McConnell and Mrs Doyle
Year 1 – Team Sunflower Miss Drew and Miss Brown
Year 2 – Team Moonflower Mrs Page and Miss Kimbley
Year 3 – Team Jellyfish Mr Whyard and Ms Pembleton
Year 4 – Team Firefly Miss Holloway-Vine and Mrs Bailey
Year 5 – Team Helios Miss Ogle, Mrs Newton and Miss Don
Year 6 – Team Supernova Mr Straw and Mrs Woolley
SEN support EYFS, KS1, KS2 Mrs Hopkinson, Miss Street, Miss Kelly, Miss Boyle
ELSA Miss Drain
PPA/AfL cover Teachers Mrs Cook, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Newton
SENDCo Mrs Oliver
Pastoral Lead Mrs Bonser
Class Swap morning will take place on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. Please take your child/children to their normal class in the morning and we will send them to their new classes. Thank you again for your support. We will be offering a Meet the Teacher event over the next few weeks, more information will follow, please keep a look out!
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Bonser,
Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)